5 Ways to Prevent Mold Growth

The sight of mold in homes can cause distress for any homeowner. Mold in anything is never a good thing. Moldy bread, moldy food, and moldy furniture never brings any good into a home except various health issues and a horrible smell.
The reality is mold spores are everywhere. All you need is some moisture and material for the mold to grow on. Often times, you can wipe them down with some cleaning solution but there are also times where dangerous types of mold such as black mold can appear in large sizes. When this happens you might need to have to call professional help.
Professional mold removal can cause you a pretty penny depending on the severity of your mold issue. Good news is, you can prevent mold by becoming proactive and taking these actions. In this article, we’re going to list 5 ways you can prevent mold growth in your home.
1. Control moisture
Mold growth thrives on moisture. They love water and damp spaces. So, if you’re looking to prevent mold growth, the first step is to control moisture in your home. If you live in a humid area, moisture can be a problem. What you can do is invest in a dehumidifier or open your windows from time to time to let the air in. If you have a basement, it’s a good idea to get a dehumidifier since ventilation and exits are limited in these types of environments.
2. Monitor your homes for leaks and cracks
Leaks and cracks in your pipes and foundation can cause water damage and this can lead to mold growth. Make time to take a look around your home and basement (if you have one). Try to spot any leaky pipes or cracks. If you spot any of these, you can repair it before they get any worse.
3. Check your appliances
Having a washing machine and a refrigerator can be an issue if they malfunction because these appliances operate with water. In time, they can wear out and leak. In a basement, leaks can be a huge issue since it helps mold growth flourish. Refrigerators in your kitchen can leak and damage your floors and furniture. If a leak gets to a point where it causes water damage, you’ll have to call in professional help. So, keep an eye out for any leaks or signs of malfunction. If you spot any issues, get it repaired or replaced immediately.
4. Dry your items thoroughly
Since moisture and mold go hand-in-hand, you should keep your furniture and items dry. Whether it’s your laundry or your routine furniture cleaning, you have to make sure that your items are dried thoroughly. The worst thing that could happen is if you stuff damp clothes inside a cabinet and cause mold growth. Not to mention, damp clothing kept in tight spaces can make the room smell. If you must, dry your items outside so they get some sun and air.
5. Improve your home’s airflow
Lack of ventilation and good airflow can help mold grow. So, to avoid this, try to improve your home’s airflow. You can do this in several ways. Opening doors and windows and letting the air in a cost-friendly way to get the air going in your home. If you have some funds to spend, consider getting an AC or some fans in rooms in your house. To save and minimize your electricity bill, keep your AC on for a limited period of time. During the winter, stick to opening windows and doors. During the summer, you can opt for air conditioning or fans. Improving your home’s airflow doesn’t just help your house. It also improves your overall air quality and health.
Wrap Up
Mold growth is inevitable. At one point, your home will experience it but the good news is that you can prevent the issue from getting too bad. Severe mold growth is a big problem but by taking action now and taking cautionary measures, you can keep the damage from mold to a minimum and save some cash. Next time you take a walk around your home, keep an eye out for cracks or leaks, check your appliances, and make sure your items are dried thoroughly.
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