December 2024 Real Estate Roundup
December 2024 Real Estate Roundup
December 2024 Real Estate Roundup

Check out this end of year December 2024 real estate article collection.  2024 has been an interesting year with mortgage rates remaining high compared to the recent past.  Many buyers have stepped back from the market due to high prices and high mortgage rates pricing them out of many markets.  Fewer homeowners have listed their home for sale since there is also less homes to look at if they are looking to sell and move as well.  Check out some of the great real estate reads from December 2024 to brush up on your real estate knowledge.

Smart Tips for Home Sale Preparation on a Budget

When it comes time to sell a home making sure the home is picture and presentation ready can mean the different between plenty of buyers coming to see the home in person versus a home sitting with no attention at all.  In this article by Paul Sian he provides some smart budget savvy tips that home sellers can use to make sure their home shines both in person and online.  With over 90% of buyers starting their home shopping online the in person as well as the online experience must be stellar.

When Should I Stop Paying Mortgage?

After selling a home the home seller may wonder when should they stop paying on the mortgage.  In this article by Bill Gassett he explains what happens during the process where the buyer made an accepted offer up to the time of closing.  Officially upon the closing date the title company should be paying off the entire mortgage balance in full.  The home seller should be paying attention to their mortgage account online to confirm everything is done timely.

Signs of a Bad Mortgage Lender

When buying a home with a mortgage the amount one pays in fees and interest rate can add up over the life of the loan.  Getting the best mortgage loan at the best rate is important.  In this article by Luke Skar he explores eight reasons why a mortgage lender may not be the right one for you.  Home buyers should interview mortgage lenders and talk with friends and family to get recommendations. Online reviews and what others are saying on social media can also be an important source of recommendations for lenders to work with.

Real Estate vs. Real Property

In this article by Kevin Vitali he explores the difference between real estate and real property.  There is a difference and knowing about the difference is important for home buyers and sellers to make sure the right things are being transferred upon sale.  The article discusses important aspects of real estate and how it impacts our everyday life.  The article also provides some important tips for both buyers and sellers to help them when working on a real estate transaction.

Are We Due for a Housing Correction?

Home prices have been on a tear recently in terms of pricing.  With many real estate buyers chasing fewer available homes along with low mortgage rates the prices for home were bound to go up.  In this article from Karen Highland she explores the current status of the housing market and whether the housing market is due for a crash.  The article looks at a past housing crash, some laws that have had an impact on housing, as well as the current state of the housing market.  All in all, an interesting read for both home buyers and home sellers who are curious about the current housing market.

When to Leave Your Home While Listed for Sale

When selling a home, the home seller should leave the home temporarily in order to make sure the buyer, home inspector or appraiser has open access to the home and do not feel unwelcome.  In this article from Michelle Gibson she covers the times home sellers should leave the home when listed for sale and the reasons why.  The home seller should let home buyers have open access to the home so they can see themselves in the home versus feeling uncomfortable due to the sellers and family members still in the home.

Understanding Contingencies When Buying a Home

When buying a home, it is important to have the proper contingencies included in the purchase contract so the buyer can protect themselves during the transaction.   In this article by Dave Van Nus he looks at some of the important real estate contract contingencies that first time home buyers and experienced buyers should be aware of.  Contingencies on financing, appraisal, inspection, ability to get insurance and more should be included in the contract.  Working with an expert real estate agent or real estate attorney and buyers will have the language they need in their contracts included.

What other articles did you find helpful in 2024?  Feel free to share them in the comment section below.

Real Estate Roundup for December 2024 was provided by Greater Cincinnati Area Luxury Realtor Paul Sian of United Real Estate Home Connections. Paul is a licensed real estate agent in the states of Ohio and Kentucky and has over 17 years of experience. Do you have a home you are ready to sell now in Greater Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky? Be sure to contact me now!

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