The A to Z of Real Estate Marketing

With the global economy caught in a whirlwind and property prices on the rise, people’s real estate buying habits are being constrained. No longer is a decked-out modern-style house appealing enough on its own to incur a large debt – if you’re to make a sale, then you must have the skills to show why it’s worth it.
And that’s where real estate marketing comes in. Whether you’re a homeowner or a real estate agency working on the behalf of individuals, it’s high time that you bring out your persuasive skills and market your offerings till they’re at the top.
Not a real estate marketer? Don’t worry – you can carry out high-performing real estate marketing without being a trained marketer. Don’t believe me? Follow my tips and I’ll show you how easy it can be if you’re on the right path!
1. Flyers, Flyers Everywhere
When it comes to any sort of marketing, there are two routes that you can go down: traditional or digital – and with real estate marketing it’s necessary to leverage both to the max. That said, flyers need to be a crucial element in your real estate marketing plan.
These rectangular sheets of paper hold much more power than they let on, and if used right, they’ll have a long line forming outside your real estate opening. Make sure to stick to aesthetic sensibilities when designing your flyer – what appeals to the eye will appeal to the mind – and make sure that you don’t miss out on adding important contact details.
Oh, and there’s no need to be afraid of the aesthetic part because that’s where PosterMyWall’s real estate flyer templates will help you out. Designed in an easy-to-use manner, you can scroll through dozens of flyer templates, choosing one that speaks to your heart and soul. Once the selection’s done, customizing and editing are just as simple, all so you can get just the right design. Oh, and did I mention? It’s all for free!
2. Get in the Books
When it comes to high society, they’re a follower of the top magazines, and securing a place in them means entering into their line of focus. Now, isn’t that what any homeowner would want?
Look into the likes of D Magazine, Urban Land, Boston, and Architectural Digest as publications to get your real estate listing featured in. Make sure to be fully on board during the entire process, ensuring that your feature in the magazine comes out to be exactly how you want it.
3. Get on the Web!
The world wide web is expansive and all-encompassing. So it’s obvious that if you want to sell something, you have to be on the web! And yes, this holds for real estate. Your website is one of the crucial areas where you just can’t afford to skimp on money – if you end up with an unimpressive website, then people are just going to run the other way.
Either enlist a professional web developer or really get into learning those tools, but in either case, make sure that your website has all the crucial information: contact us, a gallery for pictures of the listing, a testimonials page of the real estate agency’s previous customers, and an about us page – along with any other information that you might want to add. And of course, the copy on your website needs to be top-notch. If you’re not much of a writer, then get a professional!
4. Hello, Instagram!
Speaking of being on the web, we simply can’t overlook social media platforms. And of course, the world’s leading image-sharing app is just too good to miss out on. Yes, I’m talking about Instagram and the worlds of wonder that it can do for your real estate business.
Start by making a killer profile and be consistent with your posts, making sure the visuals are ones that speak for themselves. And it doesn’t matter if you’re skilled in the graphic design domain because PosterMyWall serves as the perfect tool when it comes to real estate social media marketing with its dozens of Instagram post templates.
Insanely easy to use and with practically unlimited choice, PosterMyWall is your go-to place for your social media visual needs – oh, and it’s all free! Once you’ve nailed the visuals, make sure to add in SEO-optimized captions and trending hashtags to get the best reach and the most followers – all things that will make your real estate listing sell.
5. LinkUp with LinkedIn
Instagram isn’t the only social platform that you need to master – the professional ones are just as important, and of course, LinkedIn comes out on top. As a real estate agency, you need to build connections, and what better way to expand your professional circle than with LinkedIn, the world’s pioneering virtual professional community.
Actively seek engagements, optimize your profile so that it ranks high under real estate searches, and adorn it with the same stunning visuals on your Instagram page – soon, you’ll see the magic work its way into a sold house.
6. Be Seen in the Inbox!
Did you know that the average person checks their email multiple times in a day? With emails now being accessible through our cellphones, and our cellphones basically being an extension of our hand, it’s fair to say that most people have almost immediate and continuous access to their inbox.
And that’s why email marketing is a surefire way to get a real estate sale. You have to pull out all the tricks – a subject line that calls for an opened email, a compelling combination of text and visuals, and a CTA that converts. Make sure to add links to your website and social media pages so that viewers can explore your services and see the real estate listing for themselves.
7. Don’t Shy from the Video Content
If done right, videos draw people in, and it’s something that your real estate marketing plan can really benefit from. Enlist a professional videographer – because there’s nothing worse than a badly done video – and film video content for your real estate agency. Here’s what you can add in your real estate video content:
- Short advertisements for your agency
- Walk-through tours of your real estate listings
- Customer testimonials
Once you’ve got the content filmed, it’s time to put it up. Display it on your website, on your social media pages, and you can wileven send them out as part of your email marketing plan!
8. Business Card Represent
As a real estate agency, you need to be taken seriously. And nothing screams professionalism quite like a business card. Open any person’s wallet or purse – or more recently a millennial’s phone cover – and you’ll find a stash of business cards, and you better believe that they all come out when there’s an emergency!
To put yourself in those ranks, you’re going to need a business card that stands out. Go for a look that’s minimalistic and sleek while holding all the necessary information – business address, website, social media handles, and of course, your real estate agency’s name and tagline.
Once you’ve got the design down, it’s all about the distribution – give your cards out to any potential customers and place stacks at places of public gathering. You’ll soon see the dice rolling.
9. Collaborate with the Locals!
Two’s better than one, right? Well, what about three or four? Even better! As a real estate agency, you’re going to need connections – perhaps there’s some work to be done on your listing or some repairs that need attending to. Either way, you’re going to pick up a lot of contacts on the way – and you can use these contacts for your real estate marketing!
Partner up with local hardware stores, builders, home stores, and even other businesses such as supermarkets and clothing stores to run advertisements on their social media channels and display flyers and business cards in their stores, helping you reach a greater audience. And in return, you can offer them the same!
10. Newspaper O’Clock!
Despite the massive spread of the digital space, there’s one traditional piece of media that’s stuck around: the newspaper. Whether it’s cars for sale, deaths, local events, or real estate listings, there’s a dedicated segment of the population that turns to the newspaper every morning, getting their daily run down.
And your real estate listing needs to be in that newspaper if you’re to catch their eye! Reach out to your local agency and get an advertisement listed, making sure to add in accurate details and contact information.
So, if you’ve got a home to sell or a real estate agency to run, you better strap yourself in! With these marketing tips and plans, you’ll soon be flooded with customers trying to get a look at your prized home. And PosterMyWall will help you all the way with your real estate marketing!
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